In 1945, the first Bernard Robert champagne was born. Created by Marie-Madeleine Don and her husband Bernard Robert from a family of red wine producers. Both were trained in the champagne production method and during this very difficult period harvested their first harvest in Champagne, resulting in 300 bottles being produced. The property covers an area of approximately 30 hectares, located in 7 municipalities in the south of Champagne (BAR-SUR-AUBE, VOIGNY, ARRENTIÈRES, ARGENTOLLES, RIZAUCOURT, ROUVRES-LES-VIGNES, VILLENAUXE-LA-GRANDE). These hillsides are home to the four main grape varieties of Champagne: Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, Chardonnay and Pinot Blanc.
Tasting notes
Champagne Bernard Robert Rosé Brut. From the start, this cuvée stands out for its beautiful intense pink color. The aroma is pleasantly surprised by the delicate aromas of red fruits. In the mouth we find these gourmet aromas of grenadine, raspberry and blackcurrant. A real taste treat. Suitable as an aperitif and as an accompaniment to food consisting of fine cured meat, grilled meat, light game meat, gently smoked fish, sweet and salty or spicy exotic dishes. Perfect with fresh fruit desserts (strawberry or raspberry Charlotte cake).
Recommended serving temperature: 6° — 8°C