Quinta da Devesa kannab ilmalikku ajalugu. 1844. aastal kandis tuntud parun Forrester selle kinnistu Douro piiritletud piirkonna esimesse kaardile. Kuid selle kinnistu kõige olulisem ajalugu algas eelmisel sajandil, 1941. aastal, kui Fortunato perekond omandas Quinta, millega algas uus etapp suuremate investeeringute tegemiseks veinitootmisse, keskendudes eelkõige portveinidele. Hiljem on olemas ka viited DOC Douro veinidele, mis on tugevdanud selle kohalolekut riiklikul ja rahvusvahelisel veiniturul. Quinta da Devesa on tänapäeval endiselt sõltumatu pereettevõte, mis on orienteeritud tulevikule ja on esindatud mitmel rahvusvahelisel turul. Viimastel aastatel tehtud investeeringud on toonud kaasa suurema tunnustuse veinisõprade ja spetsialiseerunud kriitikute poolt. Kõige selle tulemus on nähtav ka tänaseks saavutatud suure hulga riiklike ja rahvusvaheliste auhindade kaudu.
Veini valmistamine
Quinta da Devesa was from the beginning included in the first map of the Douro Demarcated Region, created by Baron Forrester in 1844. Since 1941, when it was acquired by the Fortunato family, is dedicated to the production of Port and Douro wines. Located in the sub-region Baixo Corgo, 10 kms from Peso da Régua, it is situated on a promontory that dominates the affluence of the Rivers Douro and Corgo and from where one can enjoy a majestic panorama that embraces the valleys of those rivers and the region’s mountains. Its 34 hectares, planted with the grape varieties recommended for the region, extend from an elevation of 60m to 500m, partly facing south, receiving an excellent exposure to the sun, and partly facing north, from where it receives the coolest prevailing winds. This diversity of sun and wind exposure causes varying levels of maturation and development that allow for the timing of harvests under optimal conditions.Since 1941, the vintages considered of superior quality by the family’s winemakers have been stored and aged in wooden casks.Colheita are Tawny Ports from a single vintage year. The minimum age required is seven years, but it is Quinta da Devesa tradition to age the wine for many more years before bottling. The wine ages in cellars in vats, barrels or casks of 550 litres. The Colheita Port 1944 has an extraordinary bouquet and a surprising acidity, due to the complexity, quality and refined flavors.
Produced and aged in Quinta da Devesa for over 70 years, its colour shows greenish hints, demonstrating its long age. The aromas and flavors range from notes of dried fruits, nougat, honey, caramel, tobacco and coffee, finishing with a silky and incredible texture. Bottled in 2018.